Cagey Caturday Motivation
Hang out with your fangs out
Happy Caturday stray cats and cool kittens! It is I your “mane” motivation man Spyder Darling here to get you off your couch, intro your crouch and ready to pounce with every once! But first (phew!), get cozy, refresh your hot chocolate, Red Bull, yerba mate, or energy drink of choice and check out what yours truly has been typing about lately. And by the way, have a fang-tastic day!
“Just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean it’s time to be weak.” So adviseth yours truly, so as not to be too sloth like, even when you don’t feel like (insert whatever it is you’re gonna have to do anyway) in the original The Tao of Spyder. Check it out as well as my life lessons shared in Part Deux, Part Trois and now Part IV for 200 risque rules to live and air fry by. Warning, Sweet Lady Karma being who she is, please use these helpful hacks for good and not evil. Or find out what a B-word she can be, especially when “hangry.”
Turning to sports, with the NFL season now in the rear view mirror, it’s time to look forward to the upcoming Formula 1 season to…