The Tao Of Spyder
Fifty nifty rules to live and try by
6 min readMay 5, 2021
I’m Spyder Darling. In my 60 years of walking the Earth I’ve been some places, done some things and learned a few lessons. Some more serious than others. Such as…
- It doesn’t have to be super perfect. In most cases regular perfect is just fine. Remember the fork goes to the left of the knife and get on with your life.
- Don’t drown in water that’s already under the bridge. Objects in the rear view mirror should stay that way.
- Sooner kicks later’s ass. Get ‘er done and off your mind so you can enjoy your pork rinds.
- Under the skin, there is but one color. Black, white, brown, yellow, green and all colors in between, we all bleed red.
- Get after it before it gets after you. Objects in the rear view mirror are getting closer by the minute.
- Today it’s not too late. But tomorrow it might be. And the day after tomorrow? Fuhgettaboutit.
- Abs are revealed or concealed in the kitchen, not the gym. You can’t outrun a crap diet.
- Empathy = Mercy x Compassion Squared. You don’t have to be an Einstein to be compassionate and kind.
- On your mark. Get set. Grow.
- Practice makes doesn’t suck. Or at least makes doesn’t suck…