Willow Project Makes NRDC Weep

Spyder Darling
3 min readMar 13, 2023

Environmental group opposes “disastrous” Alaskan oil drilling project


The Biden administration has approved oil giant ConocoPhillips’ disastrous Willow project, an enormous oil drilling venture in Alaska. The Natural Resource Defense Counsel is exploring all possible scenarios, including “an all-out courtroom battle” against the Biden administration, to protect the Arctic region from devastating fossil fuel extraction, according to Bobby McEnaney of the NRDC’s Director, Dirty Energy Project in a recent email to NRDC members.

Willow would be the largest oil drilling project currently proposed on federal public lands The Willow Project is nothing short of a “climate bomb” according to McEnaney who further the current proposal would generate an astounding 277 million metric tons of climate-busting carbon pollution that would undermine the administration’s own landmark climate law. McEnaney is also concerned the project would have devastating impacts on Arctic wildlife like polar bears, caribou, and migratory birds.

“The Willow project is a harbinger of threats to our climate, our environment, and vulnerable Arctic wildlife. But for oil giant ConocoPhillips, which is leading the Willow Project and reported record profits last year, this destruction of vital lands would be just another financial boon!” McEnaney said.



Spyder Darling

Born in upstate New York, raised on Long Island, been some places, done some things, currently living in New York City. You got a problem with that?