Member-only story
Wondrous Wednesday Motivation
Unleash the superhero or heroine in you!
Happy Hump Day as they say
Midpoint of the week
In no way is it time to be mild or meek
Out there is gold waiting to be struck
All it takes is hard work and a little luck
Today our motivating mission is to be grateful as always and:
Well spoken: it’s what you say and how you say it
Efficient: don’t let your time and energy go to waste with undue haste
Dialed in: minimize distractions for maximum satisfaction
Never say die: keep hope alive, carry on and strive
Eager: bits were made for chomping at
Stable: keep an even keel even when you feel like getting unreeled
Disciplined: if you can’t control yourself, you can’t control anything else
Accountable: the buck stops with you, so be careful what you do with
Youthful: nobody beats the reaper, but if you take care of yourself, he might leave you alone for awhile
Have a wondrous day, hit subscribe and check back tomorrow for more marvelous, automatic motivation!
PS Check out the other stories on my Life Lessons list for help getting through la vida without going loco!
©️2021 by Spyder Darling